Become a Member
Fill out a MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM in a few easy steps.
Click on this link “Application to the Rotary Club of Pasadena”
Fill out the online form
Your application form will be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.
The Board of Directors normally meet the 4th Thursday of the month.
Submit either in person or by mail a copy of the Credit Card Form. Goto Club Links, Documents, Credit card Form (<–or click the link).
We suggest to deliver this form in person, But if you want to, you can mail to
Pasadena Rotary Club,
556 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Ste 101 Box 379
Pasadena, CA 91105.
Once approved by the Board, a notice is inserted into the Weekly Pasadena Rotary SPOKES (which hits members email box each Friday morning) for the 7-Day Notice.
At the end of 7-Days if there isn’t any objection, an Induction date will be determined based on your schedule at our Weekly Wednesday Meeting.
On the date of your induction you officially become a Member of the Pasadena Rotary Club!!
If you have any questions please call our Membership Chairman, Howard Raff at 626-712-4920.
He will brief you on the proper way to get started with Rotary.