Rotary to Rotary (R2R)
The Rotary Networking Group (R2R) Committee of the Pasadena Rotary was formed to support club members who want to conduct business with fellow Rotarians. This is an opt-in program and includes networking events so that club and committee members who are interested can get together to learn about and support each others' business activities. Only those Rotarians who opt in receive the group communications so that other Rotarians who do not opt in are not solicited without their consent.
The networking activity is conducted through quarterly networking events and by blast e-mail communications with those members who have opted in to the group. The networking event venues have been arranged by Pasadena Rotarian Paul Little, Events Chairman, through his restaurant contacts in Pasadena Chamber of Commerce. The networking events have been very successful and well attended. We are now expanding membership in R2R to nearby Rotary Clubs in the San Gabriel Valley including Sierra Madre, San Marino, Glendale and others.
The R2R committee is one of the member services committees. Participation in the R2R Group helps add value to the Rotarians membership by encouraging appropriate business development activities within the Club. R2R is particularly valuable to TYROS members who are new to the club and still introducing themselves to our membership.